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harmonycardThis is an iddy biddy(business card size) harmony board.Cute as a button and works just like its bigger brothers and sisters. Laminated and totally waterproof. Great for wrapping money around to generate extra capital, cleaning crystals, releasing stress and pain.

A HARMONY BOARD CARD simultaneously cleans itself and whatever is place upon it. Every once in a while you might want to “treat” your HARMONY BOARD CARD to a little rest and relaxation by leaving it in the sunshine. The HARMONY BOARD CARD works on the PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, MENTAL, & SPIRITUAL LEVELS, converting lower unfavorable energies into fundamental energy, sending it back to other dimensions for reuse. Each HARMONY BOARD CARD contains an imbedded design on each side of the card. There are no crystals, wires, magnets., batteries or power sources of any kind in used. HARMONY BOARD CARDS don’t crash or burn out. If your HARMONY BOARD CARD seems to choke on all the cleaning it’s doing, fear not, it will automatically start recycling itself. You can urge it along by tapping the card with your fingers to wake it up... or treat it to a little bit of sunshine. One of the most profound aspects of the HARMONY BOARD CARD is its ability to promote healing. The human body is composed of microcrystalline substances and the HARMONY BOARD CARD cleans crystals, regardless of size. If a crystal contains negative or unhealthy information and this information is suddenly removed, what remains is a memory of health and vitality, theoretically speaking that is.... The body would then return to a state of balance, which we call good health. Hair samples or Polaroid photographs can be placed on the HARMONY BOARD CARD. Whoever the hair or picture belonged starts to have increased positive health. Emotional imbalances have disappeared. Pain has disappeared or was relieved. Sleeping on a HARMONY BOARD CARD increases the vividness and recall of your dreams.. .­­­ An often asked question is “How long do I leave a crystal on the HARMONY BOARD CARD? “ Or How long do you use it.?” Crystals “clean” almost immediately.... people, on the other hand, depending on how chronic the condition is, may take minutes, hours, days, weeks etc... for complete clearing. If you find yourself getting tired while your picture is on the board, take it off for a short time and then put it on again. It seems that as the body is being cleaned/cleared it needs a little time to adjust to the releasing of the unfavorable energy from the body. ­­ MONEY MAGNIFIER This one you have to experiment with to become convinced it works.... Wrap one or more pieces of paper currency around a Wrapping money around a HARMONY BOARD CARD will attract money to you. Use any denomination of bills you choose. This turns you into a money magnet, attracting money to you from known and unknown sources... NO MEDICAL CLAIMS ARE MADE OR IMPLIED REGARDING THE HARMONY BOARD.IT IS FOR EXPERIMENTAL/RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. ALL REFERENCES ARE SUBTLE ENERGY REFERENCES ONLY.
