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RADBUSTER is a subtle energy tool to help alleviate symptoms caused from cell phones, microwave towers... anything that radiates imbalanced radiation. As the telecommunications grows, more and more microwave towers are rising into the sky. As these numbers increase so does the radiation they are emitting. Now, don’t get me wrong here, it’s not the radiation from the towers per se, but the receiver on your cell phone that is more the problem. It’s very common for people to complain about headaches and fatigue after using a cell phone. What is happening is the cell phone is acting like a microwave booster on that side of your head. This isn’t healthy. Using an earpiece isn’t much help either. It actually boosts the signal! Using Radbuster will help reduce this problem and make life a little more enjoyable for you. It’s a possible solution in an everchanging technological world.The design /archetype on the radbuster literally means balance /harmonize radiation. So when you use Radbuster you are balancing radiation. And it does work. HOW TO USE: Place the blue disk side against your body or subject. That’s it. You can help your friends by placing the card on top of their picture(preferably Polaroid). This will broadcast the effect to them at a distance. Want to work on your home? Place Radbuster ontop of a picture of your home. It’s that simple. You can increase Radbuster’s effect by placing it on any of our energy products(like our Harmony Board).
