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JOHN KEELY: Keely Boxes

(Box dimensions: 3”x3”x1”)




ETHERIA FORCE BOX (Mystro) Creates a bridge between physical/spiritual realms. For working on the spiritual level of cellular/dna level,killer psychic forces, heavy metals,negative extraterrestrials,spiritual body, mental body,etheric body, innate intelligence,astral body density #2, angelics. $45

AQUARIUS BOX (Aquarius)Pertains to symbols and conditions of the vibratory stream. Represents order and simplicity.A harbinger, messenger of the dawning of a new age- way of thinking. A new way of viewing nature’s true essence.For working on the spiritual level of: miasms, black magic, non-white/black magic, negative energies, parasites,negative extraterrestrials, consciuos mind.$45

VIBE BOX (Vibes) Deals with web of life & light, catching everything within its grasp. For working on the spiritual level ofsweeping changes and connections, motor areas of the brain, dark forces, bacteria, parasites, astral body density#1, static electricity.$45

COINCIDENCE BOX (Angles) Expresses the spiritual /metaphysical principle that there is no such thing as accidents or coincidences. Works on: miasms, cellular (nuclear wall, and dna), stress, killer psychic forces, dark forces, negative energies, allergies, mental body,astral body #1, electromagnetic radiation.$45

RESOLUTION BOX(Chords) Relates how resolution of conflict is created when one chord contact the other.For working on the spiritual level of nutritional concerns, white magic, blood issues, planetary influences, drug toxins, allergies,implants, earthquake sensitivity.$45

BITS & PIECES BOX (Differentiation) How chordal sound is broken down into its component parts. For working on the spiritual level of meridians, psychological conditions (emotions), brain balance, magic (black & white), killer psychic forces, geopathic stress, computer stress, negative energies, elf, spiritual body, mental body, emotional body,physical body, etheric body, conscous mind, subconscious mind, innate intelligence, astral body density 1& 2.$45
