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Shree-Nav Hybrid


SRI-NAV HYBRID is a combination of our SHREE 2850 and NAVIGATOR 3976 and contains the qualities of both


  • Based on the Hindu Sri Yantra The Sri YantraThe Sri Yantra – or Yantra of Creation – is the most revered of all Hindu yantras. It is often considered to be the Mother of the Universe Herself, the incarnate Goddess Who both embodies and transcends time.
  • This very ancient symbol made an interesting appearance in modern times.It happened as a result of a series of experiments in the field of cymatics (the study of the interrelationship between energy and matter.)
  • The sound vibration patterns which are generated by the many angles of the triangles of the SRI YANTRA were calculated by using the essential element of the circle around the triangular patterns, PI (3.1416) as the basic unit to which all the other ratios could relate.
  • Therefore 3.1416 became a frequency vibration rate which, when doubled in value 6 times becomes 201.0624 cycles per second (or Hertz, ab. Hz) which is a sound tone equal on the international tuning scale of G+43 cents.
  • Cents are divisions of micro tuning between notes on a piano keyboard. Each cent equals 1/100th division of sharp or flat between notes.
  • The sound vibration patterns which are generated by the many angles of the triangles of the SRI YANTRA were calculated by using the essential element of the circle around the triangular patterns, PI (3.1416) as the basic unit to which all the other ratios could relate.
  • Therefore 3.1416 became a frequency vibration rate which, when doubled in value 6 times becomes 201.0624 cycles per second (or Hertz, ab. Hz) which is a sound tone equal on the international tuning scale of G+43 cents.

Navigator 3976 (N-3976) 

is a remarkable subtle energy tool for use in your everyday energy maintenance toolbox. It uses some very powerful archetypes for assisting you in getting rid of “funk”. You know, that stuff you pick up by just living and experiencing life itself. Yeah, funk….. It piles up on you and leaves a debris field all over your aura and pretty soon your light starts to diminish. (this light I refer to is the exchange of energy you have between you and your oversoul/higher self, through your spiritual cord). What “funky” symptoms? You get depressed, lethargic, immobile. You become more susceptible to the influence of others: friends, media programming, magnetic fields and on and on and on…… It’s not that you’re out there looking for this “stuff” but you get slimed with it, dumped on, zapped, radiated…. just pick your favorite adjective….. Navigator uses 3 very important archetypes to defunk you. Each piece works with the others creating a synergistic effect ( the effect of all 4 archetypes is greater than their individual effects)..  $55