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  •  ...are a series of healing tools from the 24th & 26th centuries. They are the result of a collaboration with a very old friend of mine, Red Hawk. Each laminated “businesscard size” starcard is a unique blend of light codes and symbols to help release and heal long term / chronic conditions of the body, mind and spirit.
  • ALPHECCAN Starcard by Merlyn / Redhawk  The ALPHECCAN STARCARD helps you enhance all mental processes.This helps you gain a deeper understanding of what you are receiving and integrating. When using this starcard you may be overwhelmed with the input from unseen realms. Just pay attention to it,focusing on being in an neutral,observing position. Be aware of the subtleties of balance, multiplicity, focus, mental awareness, enhancement,creativity, creation, wisdom, and multiple focal points.

  • ALTAIR 349 STARCARD by Merlyn/Redhawk   This starcard empowers you to address the processes of understanding growth, high spirituality, transformation and energy transference. It supports your ability to believe in yourself and the co-creative experience. The ALTAIR Starcard connects you to Earth grid # 349, the birthing grid of the planet. It helps you to discover how to effectively use the subtle energies that are within your auric field as well as those of the people you meet.

  • ARMO STARCARD by Merlyn / Redhawk This Starcard represents a merging of the qualities of balance, harmony, equalization, growth, health, communicaton & cellular restructuring.ARMO is in a binary light pulse system and is capable of communicating with different light patterns. It uses a different binary equation format than we are used to and is capable of instantaneous communication at great distances. Tapping into a universal conciousness of greater understanding and perceptivity is also part of the ARMO STARCARD.

  • AVIOR 1672 STARCARD by Merlyn / Redhawk  This starcard enables its user to rapidly develop heightened aspects of healing and energy guidance and discernment. It helps you remember how to locate the root cause of present day symptoms at the cellular level and directs you to dissolve their blockage. AVIOR also seeks out and supports you in canceling lower vibratory (negative) energies and cancels them. It also aids in the healing of sexually based conditions, and enhances the sexuality of the second chakra.

  • CALEUM 2930 STARCARD by Merlyn / Redhawk  This starcard could be called the healing starcard. Its energies denote the calmness and peacefulness of a universal nurturing energy. Its energies and encryptions represent the highest source of Christ consciousness. A being closely associated with these energies is Quan Yin, who represents the presence of the female fire energy. Intertwined with this calm, peaceful energy designs is also the encryptions of Metatron. Both these energies are to support you on your spiritual journey. Caleum also connects you to your own personal healer and healing centers, which live inside you and is in constant contact with your higher self.

  • DELTAN Starcard by Merlyn / Redhawk  The DELTAN STARCARD aids you in understanding the nature of cellular memory, balance and growth. It provides a foundation for the restructuring of DNA at its root energy level. It provides access to obscure subtle programming responsible for DNA malfunction.

  • DENEB 1302 STARCARD by Merlyn / Redhawk This starcard empowers you to create your own connection to journeying outside the 3rd dimension. Deneb is ancient Atlantean for vortex of the god-stars (what we now refer to as wormholes). The Deneb starcard reteaches you how to connect to the enhanced understanding and adaptablity to your evolving experience of elevated consciousness.

  • DRACONIS STARCARD $20 by Merlyn/Redhawk  The first STARCARD is called DRACONIS. It releases the holder of thecard from any and all attachments to the reptilian empire on any and all levels....... The length of time to hold or carry the card varies. Carry it on you until you feel no more shifting or changes taking place. Drinking large amounts of water is helpful during the clearing process.

  • GAHIAN Starcard by Merlyn $20 The Gahian Starcard and is based upon the cavepaintings of the WingMakers, alleged timetravellers from the 28th century. Its appeal will be to those of you who are aligned to various aspects of time travel. It assists you in discovering the secrets of the Matrix, an energy grid of time lines which is superimposed over the Earth Grid. Gahian will also help support temporal perceptions associated with being abducted.

  • GAMMA ARIETIS STARCARD by Merlyn/Redhawk  This starcard, also called MESARTHIM, works on balancing your male/female aspects. It also deals with creation, courage, enhancement, emotions, understanding technical areas and aids in cellular rebuilding. Gamma Arietis also helps you understand your self-destructive nature and where this pattern began in your past lives.

  • GRID 2489 CLUSTER Starcard by Merlyn / Redhawk  Grid 2489 Cluster is a new group of star systems which have just been identified by the Hubble telescope. This part of space was originally thought to be empty. This starcard brings to you a greater understanding of your immortality and a reevaluation of your belief systems. Literally Grid 2489 Starcard will help you push your individual reality envelope to its limits, and maybe push through it.

  • HARMONIC 342 STARCARD by Merlyn  This STARCARD contains a LANGUAGE - OF - LIGHT pattern for increasing your connection to the planetary core of Earth through planetary grid harmonic #342. This helps in maintaining and rebuilding your aura’s defenses against a recently discovered invasive alien presence. This alien presence is called the MARVUS. It is an ancient insect intelligence whose sole purpose is to devour the soul essence of any sentient life form. Once this soul essence has been compromised the soul virtually collapses and soular death follows. The life form in which this soul was found either dies or becomes is called the living dead. MARVUS uses existing thought forms, particularly totem animals, to disguise themselves from detection. Any form of spiritual icon can be used for “cloaking” these unusual predators. It is important to raise and maintain the highest possible energy in and around yourself at all time to avoid empowering this alien species. One way to do this is to maintain a solid link with the planetary grid system of Earth, in particular grid harmonic 342, which connects the planet to the God / Source. This connection cannot be broken, for it is part of Creation itself. To break connection with this grid harmonic would cause Creation to collapse..... this will never happen. So, aligning oneself with the energy of grid harmonic 342 will raise your energy field far above the effects of the MARVUS. Holding HARMONIC 342 in your hand, carrying it on your person, or placing it on a picture of yourself will align you with grid harmonic 342 and maintain a strong connection with the Planetary - God - Source connection. This impenetrable bond will act as a cornerstone upon which you can rely for strength and protection.

  • HYRDA 2108 STARCARD by Merlyn / Redhawk  This starcard teaches transmutation, constant growth & how to harness this energy for growth. It reveals if others are using you for their own agendas. For some folks this may be a little too intense, for others, well, it’s a real trip. Be prepared to start learning to trust yourself and remain true to self. Be prepared to start living in a continuous state of flux & change. It’s a real challenge for some of you... and an adventure for for others. Are you up to it?

  • LACERTA Starcard by Merlyn / Redhawk  The Lacerta are a subspecies of the Reptilians and Draconians and predate both these races. The Lacerta are proto-dractilians. The primary purpose of this starcard is to release the holder from any connections to this ancient race, traces of which appear in human spinal fluid. It supports transformation of self by developing more self confidence and trust as you evolve

  • LUPUS 13726 STARCARD by Merlyn / Redhawk  This starcard enhances the emotional & spiritual energy bodies. It supports you as a teacher, pathfinder,discernment detector & spiritual direction compass. Relax, you already know how to do this stuff, LUPUS is just helping you remember.... Those of you who are attracted to this card have exerienced lives as the Kron, ancient starchart makers from the Chronis Nebula.

  • MASTER STARCARD by Merlyn/Redhawk  The MASTER STARCARD is another light language / code tool from the 24th and 26 centuries. It is equal to 11 STARCARDS in one. In my continuing light language collaboration with Red Hawk, we started to accumulate many different STARCARD designs, far too many to make manufacturing them practical. So, to solve the problem I came up with a design which incorporated 11 of the STARCARD designs. The purpose of the MASTER STARCARD is to release you from any negative interferences you have accumulated in your soul travels, particularly those of an extraterrestrial / alien nature. Each STARCARD is written in the language of light ..... which is easily understood at the cellular / soul level of every individual. The MASTER STARCARD will help release negative interferences / attachments with ORION, MILKY WAY GALAXY, ARCTURUS, SIRIUS, PLEIADES, ANTARES, DRACONIS II, SAURIAN SECTOR 9, ANDROMEDA, NAUTU, and ALFADRON. Collectively the MASTER STARCARD sets you free to become, quite literally, a free agent in the universe / multiverse. Any and all bonds or restraints that were placed upon you psychically, emotionally, akashically, etc. are removed, permitting you to become, the self perpetuating, self directed immortal being of light that you are destined to express in all its glory. All you have to do to start the process is hold the MASTER STARCARD between your two hands and close your eyes.IT IS TIME TO DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE. ARE YOU READY?

  • MIZAR 3762 STARCARD by Merlyn / Redhawk  This starcard is for all you channelers & explorers out there. Mizar will help support & empower your ability to focus, channel and maintain/sustain interdimensional communication. It also supports spirit communication, galactic visioning & enhances your ability to work on cellular core memories. Mizar is very helpful working with 4th,5th & 6th dimensional energies.

  • NUNKI STARCARD by Merlyn/Redhawk  The NUNKI STARCARD’s hidden design releases those conditions which prevent you from creating a doorway to the new you. This is where you become aware how to balance the self and inner child. Your inner child reveals how to use this and the adult helps you grow and work together.NUNKI was the original star cluster which became the Milky Way Galaxy. Its consciousness of laughter and joy is at the soul of all the love throughout the universe . It is the mark of the Creator’s light.Hold the NUNKI STARCARD in either hand. The length of time to hold it will vary from person to person. You may feel little tingles or relief throughout you whole body as you create your doorway. Carry the NUNKI STARCARD on you until you feel no more shifting or changes taking place. Place the NUNKI STARCARD upon a picture of someone you know to facilitate a healing.

  • POLARIS Starcard by Merlyn / Redhawk  The Polaris Starcard helps you gain higher levels of understanding. The Polaris Starcard also helps to align the different spiritual bodies. It acts as a landmark to refer to so that you won’t get lost in the chaos of everyday life. It is closely related with the pyramids, helping to balance both male and female energies.

  • RIGIL STARCARD by Merlyn / Redhawk  This Starcard focuses on supporting meditation and visualization. It also teaches harmony & the potential for growth. At the cellular level it connects the individual’s cellular consciousness with the galactic/universe consciousness. This reinforces the awareness that all is connected and united in a singular reality of infinite reflections. Using this card can create a truly deeper connection to self purpose and life path.

  • REGULAX Starcard by Merlyn / Rehawk  The Regulax Starcard helps unlock the subconscious. It also works with the emotions, especially love. The Regulax Starcard prepares you for the unexpected. It releases you from any and all fears of the unknown.

  • RONEX Starcard by Merlyn  This is the Ronex Starcard and is based upon the cavepaintings of the WingMakers, alleged time travellers from the 28th century. Its appeal will be to those of you who are to aligned various aspects of time travel.

  • VEGA STARCARD by Merlyn / Redhawk  This Starcard connects you to higher awareness & spirituality. It also “tunes” you into your soul purpose, reconnecting you to the purpose of self through free will. All this is done by connecting you at the DNA vibrational level bypassing very old & false defenses which no longer support your soul’s growth. Are you ready to start working on what you came here to do? Set your spirit free and release those negative ego defenses which have been holding you back!

  • ZETAR STARCARD by Merlyn/Redhawk  The Zetar Starcard contains a design, written in the sacred language of light, for releasing any attachments, on all levels, to the star system called Zeta Reticluli. It works simultaneously on the physical and spiritual levels.Hold the ZETAR STARCARD in either hand. The length of time to hold or carry it will vary from person to person. If you have any attachments you may feel little tingles or relief throughout your body. Carry it on you until you feel no more shifting or changes taking place. Place the STARCARD upon a picture of someone you know to facilitate a healing. Drink lots of water during this clearing process.